Hiring the Best Individual Contributors
Individual Contributors are the hard working, task-driven team members who, while not involved in managing or delegating responsibilities, are invaluable resources for driving your business forward. Whether you’re looking to hire a Receptionist, Accountant, IT Service Technician, or a Skilled Laborer, we’ve got you covered.
Navigating Changes: Leading with the Right Emotions
Our emotional resilience as leaders is being tested to the extreme as businesses all over are dealing with the daily impact of COVID-19: from social distancing to employee furloughs and operational disruptions to complete shutdowns. Teams are counting on leaders everywhere to show the way, to set the tone, to be the inspiration. How can we do this? A good place to start is understanding your own emotions and how you express them.
Navigating Changes: Whiplash
By Ashley Hollweg, Ph.D. As I reflect on the last four weeks, I can unequivocally say that I didn’t see this coming. Any of it. I equate it to being in a car crash…a head-on collision, being rear-ended and T-boned all in one fell swoop. Mind you, the only car crash...
Navigating Changes: Leading While Keeping Your Social Distance – Three Traits to Embrace
With current social distancing efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, many leaders and teams are adjusting to a virtual work environment. As opposed to a gradual transition to remote work, it’s been an immediate adjustment for many who aren’t used to leading from...
Navigating Changes: How to Telework Effectively
As many employees and leaders are embracing telework as a new way of life, it’s important to know how to prepare for this approach to working. SHRM provides some tangible tips for both employers and employees to prepare for telework, considering both operational needs...
Team Creativity: Is More Expertise Better?
By Ryan Gertner, Ph.D. We’ve all heard about the importance of creativity as a skill set for executives and organizations. The old adage has changed: “In business you’re either growing innovating or you’re dying.” There are countless tips and tricks, strategies,...
Website Update
We have been growing as a company and have updated our website to share these exciting changes with our clients and promote a more meaningful user experience. We hope that you will find these updates helpful and informative. Let us know on Facebook and LinkedIn if you...
Are We Losing Our Collective Critical Thinking Ability?
Ashley asked the HAP team to investigate an interesting trend she saw unfolding with executives she was assessing. She noticed that leaders were receiving lower scores on a measure of critical reasoning used in the HAP executive assessment battery. She posited that it...
Work/ Life Balance: We Need the Eggs
By Ashley Hollweg, Ph.D. It seems to be a hot topic of conversation of late, this notion of “balance”. I encounter it often both in my personal and professional lives. I must admit that, when faced with the barrage of references to it, I find myself equally intrigued...
Duking it Out: Mom Guilt vs. Passionate Professional
By Ashley Hollweg, Ph.D. A link to the Harvard Business School article, Kids Benefit From Having a Working Mom, came across my Facebook news feed, ironically, as I was in the throes of the prolonged de-icing airplane process en route home from a business trip this...