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Navigating Change: Leadership Resources

These resources are meant to help leaders navigate these uncertain times while managing remote teams and anxious employees.

COVID-19 Business Continuity Plan: Five Ways to Reshape

As you begin to pivot towards COVID-19 business strategies, Ernst & Young gives you four actionable steps to build resilience and reshape results. This article from the professional services giant focuses on helping readers proactively address the issues facing them in order to preserve business, prioritize people, and reshape strategy.

Five Steps To Consider As You Create Your COVID-19 Recovery Plan

Are you overwhelmed as you think about where to direct your business preservation and restoration efforts? This article from Forbes will give you some helpful pointers to keep in mind as you strategically begin to work towards recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

The Big Reset: Making Sense of the Coronavirus Crisis

Due to the current crisis, it can be hard to make sense of the new challenges and obstacles we are all facing. If you find yourself struggling to adjust to the new normal during this pandemic, this article from Josh Bersin on making sense of the Coronavirus Crisis will help.

The Impact of the Coronavirus on HR and the New Normal of Work

The impact of COVID-19 has changed how work gets done for the short term, but it will also leave lasting effects and accelerate trends that were emerging before the pandemic. This article from Forbes summarizes findings from a recent survey of HR professionals regarding the impact of coronavirus in the workplace.

8 Ways to Manage Your Team While Social Distancing

It can be incredibly difficult to motivate and lead others through a crisis, such as the pandemic we are currently facing. This article from Timothy R. Clark at Harvard Business Review outlines helpful suggestions and tips to help you manage your team while social distancing.

Leading Through a Crisis

When tensions rise and the pressure is on, it’s important to have leaders that can be effective when real adversity emerges. Click here to read the Forbes article that highlights several key aspects of leadership potential which prove useful for leading and navigating a major crisis.

Managing Remote Employees

If you are managing an ad hoc virtual team, you may be looking for ways to maintain your team’s ability to get the job done. Click here to access the Harvard Business Review article that provides some helpful tips and guidelines on how to effectively manage virtual teams. Learn how to efficiently enable virtual collaboration and effective communication, all while maintaining productivity and your team’s morale.

7 Tips on How to Remotely Manage your Team

You might be wondering how you can keep your team members connected and productive while working from home. Click here to read this helpful blog from Weekdone which highlights 7 key tips on how to keep these long-distance remote teams as engaged as possible.

All Things Work Podcast: Remote Work During COVID-19

If you have recently found yourself asking the question, “How can I make sure my team is actually working if they aren’t in the office?”, then this podcast episode is for you. Click here to find SHRM’s All Things Work podcast’s recent episode “Remote Work During COVID-19” with Mari Anne Snow featuring a conversation about best practices for managing remote teams during the COVID-19 crisis.

Communicating in Uncertainty

In times of uncertainty, it may be challenging for you to know what to say and how to say it. That isn’t uncommon. Click here to access this Harvard Business Review article that provides 5 steps to help you communicate information when situations are ambiguous. These helpful tips include being clear, sharing facts, and recommending tangible steps.