
“At Arterra, Ashley has helped me and our leadership team raise our game… We conducted 360’s and leadership assessments that Ashley was able to synthesize and provide a clear perspective to each of us to better understand how to leverage our individual and collective strengths as well as improve upon our areas of development… Ashley’s style makes it easy to understand and digest insights that are somewhat tough to hear and take in at times… thank you, Ashley, for keeping us hungry to grow!”
– Jay Wright, President and CEO, Arterra Wines Canada

“Ashley has helped provide greater insights into our leadership teams, which helps to compliment insights gained from our own interactions. This work has helped us significantly improve our dialogue around talent development and team dynamics at the board level.”
– Steve Faraone, Managing Partner, Peloton Capital Management

“I have had the pleasure of working with Ashley Hollweg in support of the transformation currently underway at SeaCube Container Leasing. Ashley has been a consummate professional, a valuable thought partner, and her candor and experience has helped me set the right balance of tone, teamwork and tenacity with my leadership team.”
– Robert Sappio, CEO, SeaCube Container Leasing

“We engaged Ashley Hollweg to perform assessments of our c-suite and a few other high potential executives. The self-awareness and objective analysis of the individuals involved allowed me to execute a restructuring that would have been difficult to accomplish and far less effective without Ashley’s involvement.”
– Doug MacLatchy, CEO, Amica Mature Lifestyles

“We have found Ashley Hollweg, of Hollweg Assessment Partners, to be an invaluable resource for conducting external candidate assessments and internal executive assessments. Ashley has assessed nearly 40 of our executives and senior officers. We have found her insights to be fresh, well received by our leaders, actionable, and instructive. Her work has provided a strong launch pad for our efforts to increase our current and future potential executives’ leadership effectiveness. Additionally, Ashley provided unexpected and valuable insights into our leadership culture that has opened new conversations and is contributing to our broader culture discussions. As a result, we have invited Ashley to visit with our Board of Directors during our annual talent review.”
– Jennifer Landis, SVP & Chief HR Officer, Black Hills Corporation

“Although a university graduate, I have always been more than a little skeptical of the “social sciences.” Within two years of taking a first job after completing a graduate degree, I was required to take psychological assessment testing. I remained skeptical but submitted, and I was astounded by the feedback I received from the PhD who administered the test.
He took me apart with an accuracy that defied my earlier convictions. I took careful notes and not only consulted them frequently during the next several years, but also became a “convert” to the value of good psychological assessment in business hiring and development. I used the same professional firm in four successive career changes and give them a lot of credit for any success that I achieved.
It was during my fourth career change that I called one of the founders of this firm to ask for his assistance in assessing both existing and prospective management talent. He was near retirement age and asked me to consider using his daughter who had earned her PhD and had practiced with his firm for a few years. I reluctantly agreed to substitute her for her father, primarily because of my respect for him.
After a week of working closely with Dr. Ashley Hollweg, I called the father and urged him to “hang it up…to retire”. I was so impressed with the quality of her work, both in making assessments that turned out to be consistently valid and in delivering meaningful and useful feedback to the people whom she had tested. Dr. Ashley Hollweg became my new muse for identifying management talent and for providing developmental roadmaps for existing talent.
In an old company that could be fairly described as “good old boy” in its orientation, Dr. Hollweg quickly won the respect of almost everyone in senior and middle management. She became and remains a trusted resource in building the company’s future.”
– Karl Willig, Executive Vice Chairman of Mission Linen Supply, former founder and CEO of InfoGenesis

“Ashley Hollweg and her team have provided our company with tremendous qualitative and quantitative insights, which have translated directly into better hiring and promotion decisions. Ashley’s insightful interpretation of personality and competency data yields an exceptionally valuable picture of how individuals and teams can optimize their collective strengths to strengthen both culture and operating results. I would not consider making a significant hiring or promotion decision without consulting Ashley to better understand the intangible factors that so often elude the traditional interview or promotion process.”
– Geoff P. Brenner, President and CEO of TPC

“Ashley is the job fit “whisperer”, and over the last decade she has been an integral part of our company’s hiring process. Ashley’s reasoned and scholarly insights have proven correct time and again as to which candidates demonstrate the traits and tendencies essential to thriving and contributing at all levels in our familial and hospitality-oriented culture.
We’ve saved time and money using Ashley’s job fit and developmental assessments to identify upfront the best talent for our business.”
– Ralph Brennan (CEO) and Charlee Williamson (President) of the Ralph Brennan Restaurant Group

“I’ve worked with Ashley Hollweg for over 10 years now and find her supremely competent in the field of executive assessment (for hiring, placement & development purposes). She balances a big brain with great professional insights and a savvy understanding of both human behavior and organizational settings. I have referred many clients and organizations to her because I know she will produce an outstanding assessment process and result for them. I can’t recommend her too highly!”
– Lou Kaucic, retired CPO Applebee’s Int’l, Founder/CEO of Coaches Collective Int’l

“CHRISTUS Health began working with Ashley Hollweg more than two years ago when our strategic planning process identified our need to focus on the leadership talent. With the challenges facing health care generally, and our system in particular, it was clear that we needed to better understand our current talent base, as well as to refine our recruitment and talent development processes to ensure that we have the right talent moving forward.
Ashley and her team worked with us to develop a comprehensive plan to assess our talent and develop a plan for the future – a plan that was personalized to our strategy and needs. The scale of their work for us was quite large, including individualized assessments of candidates for key leadership roles, to assessments for all 200 of our existing leaders, to analysis by region and business unit. Then, moving beyond the picture we got on our current talent, they went on to use the information to analyze trends, identify strategic talent “gaps” and develop a profile for the type of talent we will need to recruit going forward. Finally, we began to use the information as part of our succession planning process to map out specific development and growth plans for high potential leaders in our organization.
Often, talent management and leadership development are done as after-thoughts or in a reactive way. But now we have a specific strategy related to talent and I believe we are ensuring that we have the right leaders in place for ongoing success. The wealth of information and understanding we have of our leaders will now enable us to expand our talent management to focus on key areas of expertise, design learning around specific needs for particular job families or business units, and update our performance review process to build on key traits identified for success.
I can truly say that, thanks to this excellent work and partnership with Ashley, I have renewed confidence that we will have the high-performing leaders needed to take us to the future.”
– Earnie W. Sadau, President and CEO of Christus Health
“The success of our business depends entirely on the quality, character and fit of our people. Ashley is an invaluable part of how we assess our human capital needs potential hires. She balances her gifts for useful assessment tools with her highly developed understanding of people and teams to make our business significantly better.”
– Rick Fogg, Chronicle Family Offices
“My recommendation of Ashley Hollweg is unqualified; I’ve known her all her life, I’ve watched her develop under the guidance of one of the finest mentors in her field. She is my first choice when I am in need of a penetrating, comprehensive yet balanced assessment of a candidate or associate. She is thorough, practical, seasoned, and adaptable to circumstance, objective yet focused directly on the client’s needs. She is responsive, timely, fair and entirely professional in her business life. She is also a mother without peer, a partner, and a daughter to two simply outstanding people.”
– Jim Parish, President Parish Partners, Inc.