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Navigating Changes: COVID-19 Resources

At Hollweg Assessment Partners, we understand that these uncertain times are posing difficult and unforeseeable challenges to our clients. In an effort to continue to provide meaningful support and guidance, we’ve compiled some valuable resources to help you navigate the current situation. These resources will give you critical information, strategies and recommendations on how to work through specific challenges such as communicating with your team, making tough decisions, planning for changes in your operations, and managing your resources.

For Recovery – These resources from trusted partners and cultivated sources outline business recovery strategies that can be applied across a variety of industries.

For Leadership – These resources are meant to help our clients’ leadership teams navigate these uncertain times leading remote teams and anxious employees.

For Restaurants – These resources outline strategies specifically addressing the unique set of challenges facing our restaurant clients.

For Stress Management – These resources will help you maintain a healthy mindset in the face of the unknown.

For Remote Workers – These resources provide tips and tricks for maintaining effective lines of communication and team work as well as ways to manage your productivity.

For Parents – Parenting is hard work at the best of times, let alone under an order to shelter in place. These resources are meant to empower you, help you maximize your available time, and encourage you.